- 020 8274 5940
- 24 Hours
- mascot@merton.gov.uk
The system is easy to install, simple to use, and creates a clear summary of daily living activity that you can view securely online.
You’ll find no cameras or microphones here, just discreet wireless motion sensors and a plug-in controller.
Just Checking is the easiest way to care when you physically can’t be there. If you are concerned about a family member who lives alone, particularly if they are becoming forgetful, Just Checking will give you an insight on how best to provide support.
Most people maintain a good daily routine in the familiarity of their own home, and may be managing better than you think.
With Just Checking you can see when help is needed and when a person is managing independently.
From £1.08 per month with free installation
From 63p per month with free installation
All MASCOT price plans and extra sensors
Key safe installation by qualified fitters £79
MASCOT is an easy to use call button. You can use it silently with just one push of the button.
Our free handyman service is available to all Full Visiting Service clients.
Contact MASCOT Telecare if you are interested in receiving further details of the MASCOT service or would like to make a suggestion, comment, compliment or complaint about our services, please complete the following details.
These confidential details will be kept secure.